More Marketing

This is a sample of how you can promote your own IPC Money Machine.

Looks hard, but it is really very easy with a little work, time, and our expert help.

In addition to the off-line postcard marketing, there are also extra ONLINE marketing elements you can add in order to make your IPC Money Machine an even better home business.

These are also very User Friendly and are also "Time" Friendly in that they can be done even if you work full or part time.

You will use your existing IPC web page (the one you get for free upon joining) for this extended marketing efforts.

We will help you every step of the way.

As your mentor, we are dedicated towards your success and look forward to helping you succeed online!

Join our IPC Money Machine Team at and then email us with "More Marketing" in the subject line. 

We will get right back to you with specific suggestions, sites, and step-by-step instructions to add all or some of the extra marketing for Your IPC Money Machine.

Contact us if you have ANY questions.
Phone (US) - (512)965-4976
Skype - ronnlewis

To Your Success!
Ron and Frances Lewis