Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Article 2 - Video Marketing - Take The Script And Make It Visual

In my first article, I discussed how important the script was to your video. This article is going the next step and taking that awesome script you just wrote and make it visual.

To accomplish this, you need to use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint for PC users or Apple Keynote for MAC users. If you have never used either of those programs, they have excellent tutorials. I suggest you just jump in and get started. Don't get caught up in trying to make it perfect.

Perfection is the lowest standard of achievement. Doing is the highest.

Action Item One

Go through your finished script and add new slide for each feature item. Then add images for each one of your slides. Add images that represent the feature in action. Images add impact and help you connect your message to your viewers. You can find images from the website you are promoting. Also, you can google "clip art" and find plenty of images to use. Inside clip art, there is a section titled "Animation Factory" if you want animation in your slide show.

Tip One: Add emotional images that illustrate the advantages and benefit of the item or product that you are promoting. Example: If you are promoting a program that allows your viewer to become financially free, you could use images of a Disneyland vacation or a cruise.

Action Item Two

The Power Point program also had the feature that allows words, or paragraphs to "fly" onto or off of the slide. This gives your presentation more impact. Every time something flies in or moves, it resets the viewer's attention span. So go through your presentation slide by slide and take some time to make each slide have movement in it. This step may take a little time, but is critical to making a video that really holds the viewers attention.

So you can begin to see how the video process works. My next article will discuss the next step in the video process, "How To Record Your Power Point Presentation And Make A Killer Video." In the mean time take a look at my Step-By-Step Video: Learn How You Can Make Over $9,000 In The Next 30 Days

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