Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notice How Bright It Is When You Come Out Of A Tunnel? Why Not Approach Making Money Online With That Attitude

You know what I am talking about; remember how bright it is when you first come out of a tunnel. Why not try to see your world as if you just came out of a tunnel and look at making money online in a new light.

When I first saw The IPC Money Machine business model, I decided to look at the program with fresh eyes, and low and behold, I was blown away. Let me explain to you why.

Overrides: Overrides are the key to rapid income growth. Let's say that you produce 15 sales in the first month. You would pass up your 2nd 4th and 6th sale to the person who brought you into the program (your sponsor), leaving 12 sales paid directly to you.

Your First Sales: 12 X $60 = $ 720.00

Now each of these 12 people goes to work. You help them to become successful. For your efforts, they will pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale on to you, totaling another 36 sales paid directly into you personal account. This is your first round of overrides.

Your 1st Round of Overrides: 36 X $60 = $2,160.00

Now these 36 individuals, trained by their sponsors and you, will also pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale to you as well, totaling another 108 sales. This is your second round of overrides.

Your 2nd Round Of Overrides: 108 X $60 = $6,480.00

Total Of All Sales For First Month:


Let Me Repeat This One More Time...

Following The IPC MONEY MACHINE Business Model,

You Have The Ability To Make $9,360.00

In Your First Month!

Do the above statistics make your mouth water? Let me make you even more giddy with excitement...Think about where you could be in 3 months or 6 months. Go ahead and sit down and take out a pen and piece of paper and do the math for the next several months. I dare you! You will not be able to sleep at night.

Now the big question is, if I join the program, will I be able to convince people to join my team? Only you can answer that. Yes, you will have to do some work. The 5 hours of video training in the back office of The IPC Money Machine are unsurpassed in getting even the brand new Internet marketer up and running in a very short period of time. So if you are committed to making money online, and I mean you eat, breathe and sleep thinking about making money on the Internet, I think The IPC Money Machine is your solution. Couple that with my mentorship and you have the best possible combination to success.

Here is what you need to do: Give me a call. Here is my contact information:

Ron Lewis

U.S (Phone): 512-965-4976
Skype - ronnlewis
Internet E-mail: youripcsuccesscoach@hotmail.com

IPC Money Machine

I am here to help you succeed.

Ron Lewis

Overview of IPC Instant Cash -
Your Money Machine Video

Staggered 3-Up Compensation Plan (IMP) -
The Money Magic

IPC Instant Cash Full Report (EBook) -
Money Machine EBook

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