Friday, March 26, 2010

IPC Income Center

Biggest Buzz The Home Based Business Industry Has Witnessed In Years

Over the next few minutes, I'm am going to teach you an easy, proven, direct mail wealth building program that will deliver multiple $60 payments deposited directly into your account.

In fact, all you do with this simple program is mail out inexpensive little postcards. Now stay with me here, because I'm going to give you some details on how the IPC Money Machine Income Center works...and then you can make an informed decision if it is a good fit for you. But it is quite simply a low cost, super easy program that works for anyone... and we mean any one.

Our fast growing membership includes retirees, single parents, stay at home moms, pilots, plumbers, downsized executives, students; in fact, people from all walks of life and all types of backgrounds. People just like you, who are putting a few hundred to a few thousands dollars into their accounts each and every day, using this tried, tested and proven system. It's super easy to get started, and best of all, the total cost is just a one time fee of $97, that's all...there are no monthly fees, hosting fees, or any other extra hidden charges. By the way, you will start making money from your very first sale.

Here I Am, Sitting Here In My Underwear, Trying To Decide What I Needed To Say To Get You To Click On This Article

Why? Because I am totally convinced that if you had the information contained in this article, you would be just as excited as I am. I couldn't sleep the night after I saw the tremendous potential that this program offers for those wanting make money from home with the IPC Money Machine.

And I Have A Secret Ingredient That Will Blow Your Mind And Make Total Sense!!

Yes, the IPC Money Machine is an awesome program. It has everything that a new "newbie" needs to make life-changing income in a very short period of time. But here is the deal. YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS ENTRE ARTICLE to see where I reveal how you can make an insane amount of income in the home based business arena (and I promise it will make total sense).
But First, Let Me Show You The Reason To Get Excited...

Read My Story

This is Ron Lewis from the Texas Hill Country. This is my story on how I went from sitting in front of my computer 8 hours a day trading futures, to making a substantial income working just a few hours a week.

But first, let me tell you that I am 56 years old. My wife and I used to own a very successful stock and bond investment firm, employing 6 full time people. Four years ago, we sold our investment business and begin to trade futures for a living. It soon became evident that unless I wanted to sit in front of my computer for 8 hours a day, I needed to come up with a second source of income (probably like many of you). It also concerned me that if I were to become sick or hurt, my income would cease.

I turned to the Internet and begin to research various business models and ways I could supplement and even replace the income I was making from trading (don't get me wrong, I still enjoy making money from my trading efforts). But as I started my research, it soon became obvious that most people (about 95%) never succeed in making money from home.

So I made it my goal to find a way to make money from home and then sharing what I learned with people in the same situation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 Percent Of The Efforts Of 100 People Is Better Than 100 percent Of Our Own Efforts, Right?

But let's take it a step further. What about 10 percent of the efforts of 100 people? Or how about 20 percent?

If you have a system that allows you to promote your product or service in a unique and different way, there is no limit to how many people you can bring into your business. All ceilings are lifted.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Article 4 - Video Marketing - How To Get Traffic To Your Video And Make Insane Amounts Of Money

Ok, making a killer video is one thing, but getting people to watch your video is another. In this, my fourth and last video marketing article, I am going to discuss ways to drive viewers to your video and make insane amounts of money.

Up Load Your Video To Video Marketing Websites

YouTube is arguably the most celebrated video marketing site on the planet. So it goes without say that uploading your video there is an absolute must. But let me go a step farther. Have you ever heard of the free site called Tube Mogul?

Tube Mogel is a really cool site. Once you sign up, you can upload your video to several sites at once. You first have to register at all of the sites, a one-time process that takes about 30 minutes. The sites include YouTube, Metacafe, Veho,, Daily Motion, Yahoo, and MySpace. Once registration is complete, up load your video to Tube Mogul and Tube Mogul will upload your video to each of the sites.
How cool is that? Then anytime you have another video to distribute, you just go back to Tube Mogul and upload it and your done.

Also, if you have a website or blog, that would be another good place to post your video. Uploading the video to your blog or website is very easy to do after you have it saved at Camtasia.

Marketing Your Video

Getting your video uploaded to all of the sites is only half of the battle. Now you need to drive traffic to your video. This is done in several ways.

First, social media page sites like Buzzle, Facebook, Digg, Stumbleupon, and Spurl, just to name a few, are a good place to start. Again you have to register with each of the sites you use. After that, post using a hyperlink back to the video site of choice (like YouTube).

Article marketing is another way to drive viewers to your video. Pick a topic and write an article again with a hyperlink back to your video in the author resource box. Some article directories allow hyper links in the body of the article.

If you are a fan of Squidoo (like I am), you can develop a lens at Squidoo with good content and a link to your video.

You can also market at Twitter, using Twitter marketing. I personally like the Tweet Tank for its ease of use and low cost.

Finally, US Free Ads are widely viewed and free or very inexpensive (depending on how many ads you want to post). Just make an ad describing your video and have a link back to your video.
So that is it. I hope you have enjoyed my video marketing article series and have gotten something that you can put to use immediately.

Please take a look at my most recent step-by-step video: Learn How You Can Make Over $9,000 In The Next 30 Days

The IPC Money Machine Video

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Article 3 - Video Marketing - How To Record Your Power Point Presentation And Make A Killer Video

This is my third article in my video marketing series. The first article discussed the script, the second discussed putting the script into a slide show program like Microsoft Power Point and this article is going to discuss how to record your Power Point presentation and make a Killer Video.

Step 1 - Voice Over- One Of The Keys To More Sales

If this process is new to you, it may take a while for you to become comfortable with speaking into a mic. After you get you slide show ready, it is important that you practice reading through the script while clicking through the slides. Getting proficient with the timing of the reading along with the slides is critical for the video to look professional. Hearing the benefits as the slides go by adds emotion and emotion equals sales. There is a powerful relationship between what is said and what is seen, kinda like show and tell. Pretend that you are having a conversation with your best friend. The KEY to the voice over aspect of the video is to have a natural conversation.

Step 2 - Choosing The Right Screen Recorder

You now have your Power Point presentation and have practiced reading your script, you now need to find a screen recorder program like Camtasia or CamStudio. CamStudio is free but I found it more difficult to use. Camtasia cost $299.00 but there is a 30-day free trial available. During that 30-day period, you should be able to get several videos built. Camtasia also has excellent tutorials for you to watch. There are several videos that are available for you to watch before you sign up for your 30-day trial. I strongly recommend that your watch the free videos before signing up so you can get right to creating your video once you get the free trial.

Once you get your Power Point presentation into Camtasia, go to file, record slide show. Plug in your microphone and hit record. Again, if you are new, it will probably take you a few takes to get the right "feel" for the video. Remember, the more natural you are, the better the video.

The process of recording your video is going to take a little while to master. Spend extra time on this step, and don't take any short cuts. This is key to making a Killer Video.

My next, and last, article is going to be titled "Article 4 - Video Marketing - How To Get Traffic To Your Video And Make Insane Amounts Of Money". In the mean time take a look at my Step-By-Step Video: Learn How You Can Make Over $9,000 In The Next 30 Days

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Article 2 - Video Marketing - Take The Script And Make It Visual

In my first article, I discussed how important the script was to your video. This article is going the next step and taking that awesome script you just wrote and make it visual.

To accomplish this, you need to use presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint for PC users or Apple Keynote for MAC users. If you have never used either of those programs, they have excellent tutorials. I suggest you just jump in and get started. Don't get caught up in trying to make it perfect.

Perfection is the lowest standard of achievement. Doing is the highest.

Action Item One

Go through your finished script and add new slide for each feature item. Then add images for each one of your slides. Add images that represent the feature in action. Images add impact and help you connect your message to your viewers. You can find images from the website you are promoting. Also, you can google "clip art" and find plenty of images to use. Inside clip art, there is a section titled "Animation Factory" if you want animation in your slide show.

Tip One: Add emotional images that illustrate the advantages and benefit of the item or product that you are promoting. Example: If you are promoting a program that allows your viewer to become financially free, you could use images of a Disneyland vacation or a cruise.

Action Item Two

The Power Point program also had the feature that allows words, or paragraphs to "fly" onto or off of the slide. This gives your presentation more impact. Every time something flies in or moves, it resets the viewer's attention span. So go through your presentation slide by slide and take some time to make each slide have movement in it. This step may take a little time, but is critical to making a video that really holds the viewers attention.

So you can begin to see how the video process works. My next article will discuss the next step in the video process, "How To Record Your Power Point Presentation And Make A Killer Video." In the mean time take a look at my Step-By-Step Video: Learn How You Can Make Over $9,000 In The Next 30 Days

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Article 1- Video Marketing - The Script - Setting The Hook To Make TONS Of Money Online

There is a lot of buzz out there regarding videos and how they can really ramp up your sales on your blog. Why? Because, they work! In my next set of articles, I am going to discuss several of aspects of what makes good video, where to promote them and how you can use videos effectively to increase the sales your blog makes.

The Script

This step must not be underestimated. The better the script, the happier the viewer, the more sales generated. So it goes without saying, you need to start off by getting your viewer's attention in the first 10-15 seconds. You want them to concentrate on what is being said in the video, as this is the last thing your customer will see as they are making their decision to buy. A bad script will spell doom to your video and consequently your sales.

So let's start with your very first sentence. As an example, you can start your video with something like "In this video, I am going to show you how..."

The second part of the opening statement is the "key outcome" for the viewer and the last part of the opening statement should contain why does the product help the viewer.

The opening statement is critical to hooking your viewer so they will watch the rest of the video. To get that accomplished, you can use the tried and tested FAB method. The FAB method is the feature, advantage, and benefit method of making sure your viewer stays connected through out the entire video. The easiest way to accomplish this is to go to the sales page of the product that you are promoting. Most sales pages do a nice job of pointing out the features, advantages and benefits of there products.

Here is a quick tip. A feature contains a quantity or type. As an example, "I'm about to show you how to make over $9,000 in the next 30 days." Now it goes without saying, don't make such a claim unless you can back it up.

And here is one more tip. When you speak of the advantages and benefits of your product, always include the quality or condition. The quality and condition have emotional value and it is that emotional value that generates sales.

I hope this information has been helpful. If you are serious about adding video marketing to your website, please stay tuned for my next article, "Take The Script And Make It Visual." In the mean time take a look at my Step-By-Step Video: Learn How You Can Make Over $9,000 In The Next 30 Days

To Your Success!


Click to follow us on Twitter:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Like Grains Of Sand Through The Hour Glass-Time Is Running Out To Make Money From Home

If you are serious about making money from home, I have some news for you. Each minute you wait, puts you farther from your dreams and goals. So I am here to convince you to take action now.

The key for you to understand is for you to make money online, you have to have the right program. I have found that for you in the IPC Money Machine.

>>>>> The IPC Money Machine has an excellent compensation plan.

Overrides: The Secrets Of Compounding And How It Helps You Make A Ton Of Money Online

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notice How Bright It Is When You Come Out Of A Tunnel? Why Not Approach Making Money Online With That Attitude

You know what I am talking about; remember how bright it is when you first come out of a tunnel. Why not try to see your world as if you just came out of a tunnel and look at making money online in a new light.

When I first saw The IPC Money Machine business model, I decided to look at the program with fresh eyes, and low and behold, I was blown away. Let me explain to you why.

Overrides: Overrides are the key to rapid income growth. Let's say that you produce 15 sales in the first month. You would pass up your 2nd 4th and 6th sale to the person who brought you into the program (your sponsor), leaving 12 sales paid directly to you.

Your First Sales: 12 X $60 = $ 720.00

Now each of these 12 people goes to work. You help them to become successful. For your efforts, they will pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale on to you, totaling another 36 sales paid directly into you personal account. This is your first round of overrides.

Your 1st Round of Overrides: 36 X $60 = $2,160.00

Now these 36 individuals, trained by their sponsors and you, will also pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale to you as well, totaling another 108 sales. This is your second round of overrides.

Your 2nd Round Of Overrides: 108 X $60 = $6,480.00

Total Of All Sales For First Month:


Monday, February 8, 2010

Duplication: The Secret Weapon To Massive Wealth Online

You have probably seen one of my articles about The IPC Money Machine and the amazing program that Dan Miller has put together. This article is going to discuss what I think is the key to making large amounts of money online: Duplication.

You can create the best and most amazing program in the world and unless you are able to duplicate it, it is worthless. I have personally purchased many programs that "promise" that "a 12 year old" could follow the instructions.

Yeah, give me a break!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Statistics Show That 30 Readers Out Of 1000 Will Read This Article And Do Something To Start Making Money From Home

Are you going to be one of the ones that will do that?

Let's say you go to Clickbank. You find an e-book on how to make money with affiliate marketing. So you decide, after reviewing the "pitch page" that you think this is the ONE, the program that will set you free from all of the financial stress.

HERE IS THE CATCH! Every one that purchases that same program is in competition with you.

No wonder that I had 120 e-mails in my junk e-mail box and most of them are "how to make money from home on the Internet". Is it any wonder that most of the people trying to figure how to make money with Internet Marketing are confused and bewildered?

What if there was a program that changed all of that? A program where every person in the program rooted for your success. If you succeed, they succeed.

Think about it ... NO COMPETITION, just help if you need it and a real person there to answer questions.

To top it off, this is the only program offers a $5000 cash reward if you don't make money. How cool is that?

You might ask, "How in the world can they make that type of offer?" It boils down to 2 things really:

ME. My name is Ron Lewis. Call me: 512-965-4976 or e-mail me at I am here to guide you each and every day. I am rooting for you to succeed.

The Compensation Plan with The IPC Money Machine is second to none. Overrides: The Secrets Of Compounding And How It Helps You Make A Ton Of Money Online! These overrides that you receive after someone joins your team is amazing, and allows you income to increase weekly, even if you stop promoting the program after the first month.

Ok, you know that there are programs out there that do work. The problem is that you don't know which ones of them are for real. I am going to restate my contact information because I want you to feel confident that if you have a question or problem, there is a real person that you can contact. I may not have the answer but you can rest assured that I will do everything in my power to find it for you. Again, call me at 512-965-4976 or e-mail me at

To Your Success!
Ron Lewis

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How To Get Money Fast - See This Eye Popping Secret Money Machine That Can Make You $10,000 In Your Very First Month On Autopilot!

So you need to find out How To Get Money Fast? I am here to help (and it is easier than you might think)!

For A Limited Time Only You Can Get A Money Machine That Allows You To Pocket An Eye Popping Income Of $10,000 Or More In Your First Month, Just Set It And Forget It.

CLICK HERE To Go Directly To The Money Machine That Allows You To Make An Eye Popping $10,000 A Month In Your First Month All On Autopilot!

Now you are probably wondering if you can do this if you a brand new to Internet marketing. The short answer is YES !

Once you get your hands on this Eye Popping Program, if you are like me, you won't be able to sleep at night. You want to know the secret to making money fast? CHECK OUT the compensation plan that comes with this Money Machine program.

Overrides: The Secrets Of Compounding And How It Helps You Make A Ton Of Money Online.

I am about to share a secret with you today that separates the successful, from the unsuccessful. This secret is so powerful that you will never have to wonder about how to get money fast again.
The secret is so simple but so critical.

You have to find someone who is already successful and follow him or her to the letter. I know that sounds too simple, but if you can find that person, the battle is half done. That person would be me.

Seriously, If you were wondering how to get money fast, the secret has just been revealed to you.

So click below to find the exact proven system I have used to generate money fast, every single month like clockwork even when I was a complete beginner.

CLICK HERE To Reveal The First Ever Affordable System That Offers A $5,000 Cash Reward If You Don't Make Money.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Momma Always Said, If You Help Others Get What They Want (Making Money), They Will Help You Get What You Want

That is the reason why I have joined the IPC Money Program, because you know, Momma is always right!!

* Don't you want a program where everyone is rooting for you to win?

* Don't you want a website (free when you join the program) that automatically brings in sales 24/7, all on Autopilot?

* Don't you want a program that gives you all of the tools you need to succeed?

* Don't you want a program that has a $5000 cash reward if you don't make money?

* Don't you want a program that has tremendous online support?

* Don't you want a program where you can call a real person if you have a question? (And they actually answer...)

* Don't you want a program that puts money directly into your account the minute you make a sale? You don't have to wait for your money.

* Don't you want a program that has a dynamite compensation plan that allows your income to grow week after week?

* Don't you deserve to make life changing money online, and in as little as 30 days?

Now back to the title of this article. Have you ever heard the fact that if you help someone get what he or she wants, they will help you get what you want? The IPC Money Machine program is designed exactly for that purpose. Too many times, people are out for themselves. They do not care about anything else. It is refreshing to find a program that actually promotes people helping other people to succeed. That is the real reason I wanted to join the IPC Money Machine program. I like the feeling that if I help someone to finally earn money online, because of that work, I will actually benefit from those efforts.

If you answered yes to one or all of the above statements and if helping other people make their dreams come true makes sense to you, you need to give me a call. My name is Ron Lewis. My cell phone number is 512-965-4976. My e-mail address is I am a real person dedicated to your success and want to visit with you about your future. I can help make you hopes and dreams come true.

Take a look at the IPC Money Machine, The Program That Can Change Your Life Forever!

To Your IPC Money Machine Success!

Overview of IPC Instant Cash - Your Money Machine
Staggered 3-Up Compensation Plan (IMP) - The Money Magic
IPC Instant Cash Full Report (EBook) - Money Machine Ebook

Thousands of members have already changed their lives here,


Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Granddad's Golden Words of Wisdom That Helped Me Make Money From Home And Changed My Life Forever

My Granddad once said, "Every moment we live, we are moving through time. How we choose to live that time will determine where we end up in life." Are you ready to change your life forever and cross over to making money online?

About 6 months ago, I was re-reading a book by Tony Robbins and it jogged my memory about what my Granddad once said to me. I choose to make a change in what I was doing, to change my life direction and really find a way to make money on the Internet. In doing so, I came across a program that made sense to me.

Here Are Just A Few Reasons Why IPC Money Machine Made Sense To Me:

Probably the biggest advantage of the IPC Money Machine is the fact that I got to talk and ask questions to the person that showed me the program before I joined. I am always eager to talk to anyone that wants to live the life that they have always dreamed of. You see, in this program, everyone is routing for your success because if you win, they win. That makes sense to me.

Overrides allow your income to grow month after month. Here is my article that discusses the power of overrides.

Overrides: The Secrets Of Compounding And How It Helps You Make A Ton Of Money Online.

IPC Money Machine has a powerful compensation plan. What the plan does is take all of the good points from every compensation plan currently online and leave out all of the bad points associated with them. It offers the following benefits, especially to someone brand new to Internet marketing.

· Create A High Commission Rate For the Program

· A Compensation Plan With No Qualifying At All

· A Built-in Residual Income With No Monthly Fee

· Allows You To Get Paid From Your Very First Sale

Check Out The Full Compensation Plan Here: The Money Magic

The program is affordable for everyone. With the economy the way it is, I think that it is important that the program be affordable. For a mere $97.00, the program offers the following.

· You are provided with over $1,000 worth of valued software that includes full resale rights!

· You are provided with your own website instantly that generates sales for your 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

· You are provided one of the most advanced training areas online today along with full support when you need assistance.

· You are provided an income that will only continue to grow week after week!

To your success!
Ron Lewis
IPC Money Machine

You can change your financial life with The Money Machine!

So if you're ready to start building a real income, then join and feel the difference! Remember, this is a complete system where you're never going to be left alone. This is your real chance to make some serious cash, and get ahead in a life with an affordable program.

Overview: Free Informational Video
IPC Instant Cash Full Report (EBook): Click Here!
To join: The Money Machine
Staggered 3-Up Compensation Plan (IMP): The Money Magic
To read more articles and get for more information: Blog

I am dedicated towards your success and look forward to helping you succeed online!

Overrides: The Secret Of Compounding And How It Helps You Make Tons Of Money Online

There are many ways to make money online. From affiliate programs, to article marketing, to ads, to pay per click; all have their pluses and minuses. Overrides allow you to really ratchet up you home business income. Here is how the IPC Money Machine Override Program looks:

Staggered 3 Up Compensation Plan.

This compensation plan is one of the major keys to the success with the IPC Money Machine Program. One of the keys concepts you need to understand is that it is in everyone's best interest for there to be mentorship at every level, thus insuring the success of everyone in the Money Machine.

Let's say that you produce 15 sales in the first month. You would pass up your 2nd 4th and 6th sale to the person who brought you into the program (your sponsor), leaving 12 sales paid directly to you.

Now each of these 12 people goes to work. You help them to become successful. For your efforts, they will pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale on to you, totaling another 36 sales paid directly into you personal account. This is your first round of overrides.

Now these 36 individuals, trained by their sponsors and you, will also pass their 2nd 4th and 6th sale to you as well, totaling another 108 sales. This is your second round of overrides.

Here are the numbers:

Out Of First 15 Sales, You Are Paid On 12 Of Them: 12 X $60.00 = $ 720.00
Your First Wave Of Overrides: 36 X $60.00 = $2,160.00
Your Second Wave Of Overrides: 108 X $60.00 = $6,480.00

Total $9,360.00

As time goes on, each of the people you bring into the program will continue to work and bring more people in and your income will continue to grow. Are you beginning to see how powerful this plan is? When I saw the plan, I could not sleep. You know why? I sat down and projected out the numbers for 2 months; then 3 months, and finally 6 months. Wow, can you say incredible?!

Here is my challenge to you: stop right now and take a piece of paper out and do what I did. Use the same numbers; just project them out for the next several months. Does that get you excited? If so, give me a call or e-mail me. Here are my contact numbers. I will be available to help you every step of the way.

Ron Lewis
IPC Money Machine

The choice is yours and the ball is now in your court. I am here to help you make money. If you have always wanted to make money online, this is the program and now is the time. Contact me if you are interested about making some serious money online and changing your life forever. I look forward to hearing from you.

To Your IPC Money Machine success!

Ron Lewis

You can change your financial life with The Money Machine!

So if you're ready to start building a real income, then join and feel the difference! Remember, this is a complete system where you're never going to be left alone. This is your real chance to make some serious cash, and get ahead in a life with an affordable program.

Overview: Free Informational Video
IPC Instant Cash Full Report (EBook): Click Here!
To join: The Money Machine
Staggered 3-Up Compensation Plan (IMP): The Money Magic
To read more articles and get for more information: Blog

I am dedicated towards your success and look forward to helping you succeed online!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Have You Ever Had One Of Those Ahh-Ha Moments-Learn How I Started Making Money Online

The IPC Instant Cash Program is truly unique. When I first saw all of the things this program has to offer, I said to myself, Ahh-Ha, this is the first program I have seen that really that makes sense. This is the program that is finally going to let me make money fast...and I was right!

Let Me Tell You Why!

>>>>$5000 Cash Reward If Your Don't Make Money With This Program-You read that right, if you don't make money with this program; there is a $5000 cash reward.

>>>>With IPC Instant Cash, your online business is 98% automated!

>>>>Your instantly set-up with a website that pulls profits consistently.

>>>>You receive immediate Step-By-Step training designed for beginners

>>>>You receive $60 IN CASH for every single sale your website makes.

>>>>You are paid directly into your account; there is no waiting for your money.

>>>>You receive overrides that allow your income to grow, week after week.

>>>>The program is complete with full online and phone support.

When Was The Last Time You Made $4,000 To $8,000 A Month
Working Part Time?

If I can do it, so can you. This program has the potential to change your life forever. I know you have heard that before, but with the help of the IPC support staff and me, you have a win, win situation.

And You Have To Help You Every Step Of The Way !

All you have to do is to plug in and follow a few easy to follow steps and if you need assistance, I am here to help. In my opinion, that is the single most important aspect of this program. You are not out there all by yourself. As a matter of fact, here is my contact information:

Ron Lewis

IPC Instant Cash Money Machine

When is the last time you could talk to someone BEFORE you have to commit? So I urge you (if you are serious about making money online) to call me so we can visit. I won't bite. I am on your side and I want YOU to succeed.
(Cuz, you know what? If you make money, I make money.) So it is in my best interest to help you make money.

To your IPC Instant Cash Success!
Ron Lewis

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Need Money Now? $5,000 Cash Reward If You Don't Make Money With This Cool Program

Looking for how to make money online? Here is something new.

Here is my contact information.

Ron Lewis

Cell Phone Number: 512-965-4976


CALL ME OR E-MAIL ME if you have any doubt the program you are about to read about makes money!!!

I am a real person dedicated to your success and don't want you to miss out on an opportunity that change your life forever !

Now, the rest of the story!

You read that right! The IPC Instant Cash Program is the only program on the Internet that is so confident in it's training to offer such a reward.

Your Money Machine

Before revealing the secrets to making six figures, I have a special ingredient that makes this program sizzle (one that I don't think you will want to miss out on.)

For A Limited Time: For a limited time, you can get you hands on a special strategy that will allow you to make an eye-popping $9,000 plus IN YOUR FIRST MONTH if you follow the program.

Click Here to learn more about this powerful system that can have you earning an Eye Popping $9,000 plus IN YOUR FIRST MONTH if you follow the program.

I challenge you to finish reading this article and take a look at the Compensation Plan that is puts the IPC Instant Cash program out of this world and literally change your life forever.

What is the magic of IPC Instant Cash? It lies in the compensation plan that Dan Miller with IPC has put together.

The Staggered 3UP Compensation Plan

With our compensation plan, you are able to start earning an income immediately, and there is no qualifying involved at all.

Here is how the plan works. With our program, you pass up your 2nd, 4th, and 6th sale to your sponsor, who is the person brought you into the IPC Cash Program.

Now, not including your 3 pass up sales, you are paid a $60.00 commission directly into your account for every sale that is generated from your IPC Instant Cash Website *(which is free once you join.)

Warning: This is where the IPC Instant Cash compensation plan really kicks into overdrive

Stay with me here! Every person your website has made a sale to, not including your 3 pass up sales, now also has to pass up their 2nd, 4th, and 6th sale TO YOU!!

Let's take a look at what that looks like:
If you produce 15 sales, you are paid directly on 12 of them:

12 x $60 = $ 720.00

For your first wave of overrides, you will receive 36 sales:

36 x $60 = $2,160.00

For your second wave of overrides, you will receive 108 sales:

108 x $60 = $6,480.00

Total Income: $9,360.00

The Key To The Compensation Plan

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that the key to the IPC Compensation plan is to have all of the people that you bring into the program to be able to duplicate your success. The secret to success lays in the 5 hour step by step instruction that you receive from IPC Instant Cash and the fact that you have total access to me to help you succeed. You need to understand that there is tremendous power if you can continue to bring people into your business.

I Want You To Do Something For Me

I think you can begin to see the true power of this program. The ball is in your court so here is what I want you to do.

Give me a call and let's visit. I am a real person and I want YOU to succeed. My number is 512-965-4976 and my e-mail address is

Click Here To Reveal The First Ever Affordable System That Offers A $5000 Cash Reward If You Don't Make Money!

To your IPC success!
Ron Lewis